Tuesday, January 1, 2013


           I’ve never been one for New Year’s Resolutions. Sure, I’ve played the game a bit just for fun, but I don’t really see a reason to wait until a particular date to make a commitment. That would be like an engaged man sleeping around right up to his wedding date, and then never doing it again. It’s silly. Once you are ready to commit to something, you commit to it right then.
            When I decided it was time to begin preparing for disasters, I started right then. I didn’t wait until January 1st or Monday or even payday. I sat down and sketched out what I wanted to do and how I could accomplish it. Resolutions are simply excuses to put something off to the end of the year.

            That being said, there is one resolution that is extremely popular this time of year: Getting into better shape. The sad fact is that this should be your very first step in becoming a Prepper. Being in good shape prepares you to meet challenges. I’m not talking about bugging out and being on the run necessarily. I’m talking about filling and stacking sand bags, digging a ditch, building a fence, or carrying water. How about going without medication or having your body become more efficient in its use of energy?

            Being a Health instructor, the idea of being healthy to me has broad connotations. Most people would look at it as being fat or being skinny. Some look at it as being strong or weak. Others see it as being sick or well. Personally, I think of it as how well you can do certain activities. How likely are you to need to run 26 mile or bench press 300 pounds? Now, is it possible you may have to dig a hole in hard pan dirt or drag someone larger than you into a car? 

            If your resolutions include engaging in a healthier lifestyle, then may God bless your endeavor. Statistically, we know that you are not likely to stick with a dramatic change. So, just remember that baby steps will get you to your goals (eventually) and tend to have a longer lasting impact. Don’t forget to set a goal, though, instead of generalizing. What does “work out more” really mean? What does “eat healthier” include? 

            The first step is often the hardest to make no matter where the walk may lead.


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